Our resource persons are drawn from major IAS hubs all over the country. Faculty with abundant experience in Civil Service coaching would deal with all topics listed in the UPSC syllabus in detail.
Life Coaches That Change Your Life
That’s why the ReConnected Life coaching programmes are tailored to your unique needs, enabling you to finally let go of what has been holding you back, and embrace the life you long to lead.

Dr. Gorakh R Patil IRS (C&GST)
Dr. Gorakh R Patil IRS (C&GST) has seven years of teaching experience in training UPSCaspirants in Delhi and at various prestigious Universities in India. He is also a panel member of various model interview sessions in Delhi conducted by Government of Maharashtra. He has published more than 200 articles in various newspapers. He is a renowned faculty of Geography

Shri. Vineet Pushpak
Shri. Vineet Pushpak, MA, LLB is an alumnus of Delhi University. He is the Director of Sanchetna IAS Academy, Delhi and a renowned faculty of History. He has 12 years of experience in training Civil Service aspirants in many of the well known institutes across India.

Shri. R Vashistha
Shri. R Vashistha, an alumnus of Delhi School of Economics, has been teaching at prominent institutions in Delhi and cities across India. He specializes in Macro and Mathematical Economics. His unique style of teaching, in-depth knowledge and amiable personality has made him very popular among aspirants. He has authored various study materials and summary notes on Economics.

- Essay - Nitin Chakravarti
- Environment & Ecology - Nitin Chakravarti
- History -Mr. Azeem Akram
- Geography - Mr. Rahul Raghunath
- Society - Mr. Rahul Rajendran
- Polity - Mr. Maneesh Nambiar
- Governance - Mr. Mathews George
- International Relations - Ms. Anjitha Hubert
- Economy - Mr. Shivakumar Armoori
- Disaster Management - Ms. Anjitha Hubert
- Internal Security - Mr. Sibi Joy
- Ethics - Mr. Sibi Joy
- Social Justice - Mr. Sibi Joy
- CSAT - Mr. Varun
FACULTY [Optionals]
- Geography
- Sociology
- Public Administration
- Political Science & International Relations
- Mr. Vinay Shankar IAS (Rtd.)
- Amb. Vishnu Prakash IFS (Rtd.)
- Mr. Srinivas Vasisht IPS (Rtd.)
- Dr. G Prasanna Kumar IAS (Rtd.)
- Mr. T P Seetharam IFS (Rtd.)
- Mr. Hemachandran A IPS (Rtd.)
- Mr. Shashank Shekhar IAS
- Mr. R K Singh IAS
- Mr. Prasanth R Nair IAS
- Mr. Hari Kishore S IAS
- Dr. K Vasuki IAS
- Dr. S Karthikeyan IAS
- Mr. Santhosh Taneja, Chairman, Samkalp - DAF Analysis
- Dr. Arun B Nair, Asst. Professor, Medical College, Trivandrum
- Dr. Thara K G (Rtd.) Former Head, Disaster Management Centre, Government of Kerala